The Law & Me
Fourteen chapters of law, slap bang in the middle of the book. What do we do with it?
Previous readings of Deuteronomy have seen me daily there for as little time as possible, skimming through the legislation as I try and make it to more familiar ground on the other side.
But this time, I have found myself wading in, circling back round and slowing my walk as I’ve been caught up in these unexpectedly heart-engaging words. My heart has been snagged again and again on the beauty of God’s character that is evident throughout these chapters.
The people, who are only receiving the law because of God’s gracious love for them, are to reflect His character as they live out these words. Compassion, mercy and generosity towards one another is everywhere. First and foremost for the marginalised and the vulnerable.
It is a beautiful way of life, because of our beautiful God.
This side of the cross, the law plays a different role, but its beauty remains and points us to our gracious, loving God. And while we don’t sit under these same instructions in quite the same way, reading and meditating on them leaves my heart wanting to be more like Jesus. I want to reflect God’s character as I live out my identity in Christ.
As we enter this section on Deuteronomy, why not pray that God would stir your heart and open your eyes to the wondrous things in his law?